ACO KerbDrain
KerbDrain transforms kerbs into continuous inlet structures with minimal excavation. KerbDrain combines the benefits of PolycreteChannels with a robust single piece construction comprising an integrally-cast channel and kerb with inlets for continuous drainage. The underlying channel transfers captured flow direct to the stormwater system.
A modular system is also available to cater for layouts in streetscapes and carpark applications where level access for pedestrians and vehicles is required.
For more info visit our website: ACO Infrastructure – KerbDrain





KerbDrain – Downloads
Polycrete Channels
General installation methodology
ACO installation manual
Key design requirements
Road drainage system comparison
There are several ways in capturing the runoff from roads with different costs implications. The following is a comparison of the installed costs between three road drainage scenarios. This comparison is based on a 100m length of road which is relatively flat with a sag (low) point located centrally.
View results in the PDF below: