ACO StormBrixx
ACO StormBrixx® is a unique and patented plastic geocellular stormwater management system designed for surface water infiltration and storage.
Its versatility allows it to be used in applications across all construction environments as a standalone solution or as part of a Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) scheme.
For more Info visit our website: ACO StormBrixx
ACO StormBrixx White Paper
An engineer’s guide based on real-world structural behaviour. Minimise the risk when integrating underground geocellular stormwater tanks.

ACO StormBrixx SD
StormBrixx® SD is ACO’s standard duty plastic geocellular surface water management system. It consists of a single, recyclable, polypropylene body that can be assembled in a variety of ways to form an open bonded structure.

ACO StormBrixx HD
StormBrixx® HD is ACO’s heavy duty plastic geocellular surface water management system. It consists of a single, recyclable, polypropylene body that can be assembled in a variety of ways to form an open bonded structure.

StormBrixx – Downloads
StormBrixx SD
Full scale structural tank test
Commissioned by ACO Australia
ACO conducted a full-scale live load testing of a buried ACO Stormbrixx® SD structure.
In Australia, no standards govern the strength of underground plastic geocellular stormwater tank systems and this is a problem for all urban designers and engineers managing stormwater detention, retention or infiltration. Fortunately, there is an industry guide. It comes in the form of a UK standard called Structural Design of Modular Geocellular Drainage Tanks (SDMGDT), published by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA).
ACO have conducted laboratory tests recommended by CIRIA’s standard SDMGDT as well as real life in-situ tests. Equipped with sensors to measure vertical deflection and lateral movement, the in-situ tests comprised an installed 3-layer StormBrixx SD tank covered with soil and an asphalt layer.
Taking a tank out of a controlled environment like a laboratory and measuring behaviour in a typical environment gives all stakeholders a better indication of performance.
Note: 30 tons (US) = 27.2 metric tonnes